Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Halo CE: Anniversary Pre-order Bonus

Have you been sitting in front of your Xbox 360 feeling out of touch? Has your Xbox Live avatar been complaining that they hate everything in their little virtual avatar closet? When you shoot a grunt in the face are you no longer satiated by alien blood and the occasional confetti hooray? Well I’m here to tell you that there’s good news and bad news for your situation.

First, let’s get the bad news out of the way. The bad news is that you may need to see a psychologist, or start taking some serious drugs. These feelings aren’t normal and the average person spends little to no time thinking about this kind of crap. Get yourself some help right away or you will undoubtedly become a threat to yourself and your loved ones.

The good news is your brain, horribly beyond repair as it may be, is about to have its twisted little prayers answered. Microsoft recently announced that they have jumped on the pre-order bonus bandwagon and will be giving away Master Chief Avatar Armor and the exclusive Grunt Funeral Skull to all those who just can’t wait to lay their money down. The avatar outfit will be modeled after Chief’s MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor, including an oversize helmet to complete that bobblehead look. The Grunt Funeral Skull, much like the Grunt Birthday Party Skull, makes murdering those cute little buggers even more amusing. However, instead of a simple confetti celebration for headshots, this new skull will cause the methane tanks on the backs of the grunts to explode into a ball of plasma moments after their death. But don’t take my word for it, check out the following clip.

Although I admit that I am fairly excited to play through an entirely remodeled Halo CE campaign, especially with the option for online co-op, I must admit this bonus isn’t that much more exciting than horse armor. Where’s my warthog armor, Microsoft?

Look for Halo CE: Anniversary on November 15, 2011, exactly 10 years to the date after the original.

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