Sunday, July 31, 2011

Getting Board with Gears of War?

Not long ago I found myself on Xbox Live with a few friends, blasting wave after wave of Locusts in the widely beloved Horde Mode of Gears of War 2 when something unexpected occurred. Instead of the usual warm squishy feeling of satisfaction after popping the skull of a Locust grub with my trusty sniper rifle, I felt only emptiness. I felt a dark void that I later learned could only be filled with three things: dice, playing cards, and plastic figurines.

Fortunately, the guys over at Fantasy Flight Games know of my completely fabricated yearnings, and have created Gears of War: The Board Game. So on August 31st, for the low price of $80.00, you can turn off your Xbox, drive to a friend’s house, and start rolling your attack dice.

Apparently, I have not (yet) imbibed quite enough whiskey and cigar smoke to properly explain the game to consumers, so watch the movie below if you’d like to know more.

The price tag is a bit steep for your average consumer, but the game will undoubtedly appeal to the more hardcore GOW collectors. Personally, I feel that the obvious lack of online play, and the completely unnecessary over-complication of an already fun combat system makes it impossible to play Gears of War the way it was intended: drunk. If you want to get drunk and play board games, Milton Bradley’s Sorry is the way to go. However, I must admit that getting bumped off of that damn slide does occasionally make one want to plunge a chainsaw into someone’s face.

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