Couch Potato Challenge Stats & Info

Did you spend countless hours of your childhood in front of the television? If so, congratulations! I’m here to tell you that what society deems a squandered youth was actually the intense development of an invaluable cultural education. It’s time to prove your parents and guidance counselor wrong! Get ready to use your vast knowledge of no-longer-useless information to better yourself as a human being. (…and by that I mean win kick ass prizes!)

Season 01 Prize

$20.00 Gift Card

Season 01 Stats

Raul L - 4 Points
Jay M - 1 Point
Sheri P - 5 Points (Winner!)

How to Play

To take part in the Couch Potato Challenge, all you have to do is check out the Couch Potato Challenge posts here on, which will go up every Sunday night (or Monday morning if I’m feeling lazy).  Each post will contain the theme song of a particular television show.  If you can identify the television show quickly write your answer in the comments section under the post (make sure to include your name or some way to identify yourself).  The first person to correctly identify the show wins a point!  The person with the most points at the end of the season (a season consists of 10 CPC questions) wins the prize!


CPC S01E01 Raul correctly answered Golden Girls
CPC S01E02 Jay correctly answered Family Matters 
CPC S01E03 Raul correctly answered Clarissa Explains At All 
CPC S01E04 Sheri correctly answered My Two Dads 
CPC S01E05 Sheri correctly answered Alf 
CPC S01E06 Raul correctly answered Perfect Strangers
CPC S01E07 Sheri correctly answered Blossom
CPC S01E08 Raul correctly answered Empty Nest 
CPC S01E09 Sheri correctly answered Step by Step 
CPC S01E10 Sheri correctly answered The Cosby Show